Tuesday, September 28, 2010

the new look to the house.

so Brian has been working all summer to side and stain the whole house he has also put up a new deck. and all new windows it looks really nice. he just barley finished it i was hoping i would have had a before picture from last time i was here but i didnt.

the picture with kyleigh sitting Brian's lap is on the tractor this had a lift on it that the guy helping Brian was up on painting the top widow you see in the left.
and the bottom picture is of the shed next to the house i just thought it was cool looking.

Monday, September 27, 2010

minnesota adventures.

well the last few days have been great fun. on Saturday we started the great adventure of potty training. that day was not so fun a long day of fighting about using the potty. then Sunday comes still resisting and not really getting it but less accidents. mom leaves for work on Monday and its a whole different story only one accident all day and because we did so good we took an adventure outside. along with that adventure i thought it would be fun to take some pictures so here you go.
while we where out on our walk and taking pictures we stopped at this puddle of water its probably about a foot deep this is rain water from last week that hasn't dried up yet.

while we where at this puddle kyleigh found it great fun to throw rocks in it this is after about half a dozen rocks she finally made it in the water.

while we where on our way back she found this flower and so i told her to show it to me in the camera i thought i was a pretty cool shot.
when we got back from our walk we played on the play set in the yard. i took more pictures.
here is Kyleigh on the play set while i was feeding the dog.this is what she does every time you tell her to say cheese.
one thing that is nice about living in the middle of nowhere is she can run down the street and you dont worry about cars at all.ok so this picture was while we where throwing rocks in the rain water.

i hope you all enjoyed my little photo shoot.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


well yesterday was my birthday. nothing really exciting i guess. i think as you get older the less important birthdays are for instance last year i was mad that i had to work all day and not get to do anything for my birthday. so this year same thing but i was not mad at all. i got one phone call and a bunch of birthday wishes and that was it. thanks everyone.
i am now the BIG 21and there is nothing really exciting about it so far.

Friday, September 17, 2010


well just to inform you all about my exciting adventure in minnesota so far. yesterday i went out and bought a newish car. i mean its 19 years old you cant really call it new. i have taken a few pictures of it some not so great but i hope you enjoy.

this is the outside.

here is the inside as you can see Kyliegh has marked her territory already.

ok i forgot to tell you this car is so old it has a tape player.
the next few are me trying to be artistic and they turn out ok.