Sunday, June 19, 2011

New Job!!!!

I am hoping by posting this blog that it will not jinx the fact that i got a new job. i am so excited to just have something to do for work.
For those of you that dont know yet i will be starting an new job working at the gas station called All About Food. its a cute little gas station that also has a car was and doggy wash.
part of the job i have to be trained and certified to use the propain filler which is kind of exciting im not going to lie.
its funny how things work out though let me tell you a little story of this job.

last wednesday june 18th
i walked into the gas station where i will be working to get an application. and see if the hiring manager was there. i got the application but the hiring manager was not there so i left.
the next day so last thursday june 16th
I woke up pretty early in the morning i had an interview in pleasant grove at a company called Teleproformance (probably spelled wrong) I went to this interview and was turned down because i am attending one class a week on thursdays at 7:30 pm. Also because i have the hopes of starting school in the fall and they dont work around school schedules. anyway so i left that interview and was pretty bummed out about it.
Not even 20 minutes after leaving that interview i get a call from a number i dont recognize so i answer it. its the gas station calling me to set up an interview. keep in mind that i had not turned in the application it was still sitting on my back seat of the car. they ask me to come in at 4 for the interview.
so i go in at 4 and the interview takes about an hour. which it was kind of an odd interview.
i come home not planning to hear back from them until monday because that was what they had told me.
not even an hour passed by and the manager calls me as asks me if i would like to take the job.
its amazing how things work out when you least expect them to.
I have my heavenly father to thank for it. I am so blessed to have a great sister that supported me through the last few months and great friends that i have made in the last few weeks.

ok so enough about me i just thought i would let you all know the great news